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A newsletter JUST 4 U!

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“ICE” ? En cette période de canicule, un peu de frais ne serait pas de refus ! Mais ce n’est malheureusement pas le sujet du jour.

Aujourd’hui, il est question de l’ICE, concept développé par  Sean Ellis, CEO de GrowthHackers.com, pour Impact, Confidence et Ease.

Il s’agit de savoir prioriser les actions marketing que l’on souhaite mettre en place sur les réseaux sociaux en déterminant préalablement leur score ICE.


Pour la suite de la démarche, je préfère citer Brian Peters dans son article « A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Spend Time on Social Media in 2017 »  (cliquez ici pour lire l’article en entier) :


« Start with a list of all of the things that you would like to do or accomplish on social media within a given time frame.

Once you have a complete list, assign each task a score between 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest). After you’ve assigned each task a set of three scores (I, C, & E), take the average of all three and that is the total ICE Score. The higher the score the greater the potential.

GrowthHackers has an easy-to-use ICE Calculator that you can try for fun today. Here’s a quick example of ICE in action. Let’s say that these were some of my weekly social media activities:

  • Curate content (I=6, C=7, E=6)
  • Create marketing videos (I=10, C=8, E=2)
  • Write new blog post (I=7, C=7, E=4)
  • Engage with community (I=7, C=7, E=7)

Based on the total ICE scores, I might prioritize these activities in this order:


  • 1. Engagewithcommunity(TotalICEScore=7.0)
  • 2. Create marketing videos (Total ICE Score =6.7)
  • 3. Curate content (Total ICE Score =6.3)
  • 4. Write new blogpost(TotalICEScore=6.0).

The great thing about the ICE method is that it can be applied to a variety of industries, goals, and situations. »


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